A traditional Indonesian dance group in Vienna, Austria
Ratoeh Doek Dance
Ratoeh Doek danceisdance thatoriginatedfromAceh. This dancewas born around1849, was created byanoldscholarof Arabic originwhodriftedatsea andwashed upinPulo Aceh. This dancewas held afterplantingorafter harvestof paddy rice, usually performancestake placeat nightevenif the dancesare competedto runall nightuntilmorning. The danceis played bysittingcross-leggedposition,berbanjar,orhand in hand.
Amajor playercalled Syekh inthe middle ofthe player. Two drummersrapa'iare behindor on either side ofthe player, while the only functioningmovements are of the upper body, hands and head sidewaysleftorright,up,andcirclefrom front to back, with initiallyslowtofasttempo.